Art Abandonment

art abandon 4

I am part of a Facebook group called Art Abandonment.  Here’s a little description from the FB page of what the group is about:

Art Abandonment is a group designed to encourage random acts of art, left in various locations around the globe. The idea is that folks can make something and leave it for a lucky unsuspecting person to find. Artists can then post locations and photos of abandoned goodies…and finders can let everyone know that they are the lucky finder! O’ sweet abandon!
 If you aren’t a member, you should go check it out.  You will need to send a request to join the group if you are interested in participating.  There are currently close to 17,000 members.

Last week I went on my annual trip to Nashville, Indiana.  It’s a wonderful little artist colony that I have been visiting every year with my sister.  I decided to take some art to abandon each day I was there.  The first one is a collage I created on clayboard.  The other two are little 4 x 4 inch canvases.

art abandon 1art abandon 2

art abandon 3

Abandoning art is fun and exciting!