In the Garden

In the Garden (1)

I recently finished this new collage painting using vintage book pages.  I just love the way the acrylics play along with the colors from the vintage book.  My favorite collage medium to use is Traci Bautista’s College Pauge in matte.  I like the consistency of it.  It drys quickly so that I can move on to the next layer and it does not leave brushstrokes.   In between each layer of paint, I added a layer of the College Pauge.  The painting the has the most wonderful dreamy look.  So much so that my husband thought I had coated it in beeswax.

In the Garden (2)

I’m not sure why, but most of my photo’s come out looking like the painting is warped so I have decided to start cropping them.   I think they look warped because I have to lay them on the floor near a window or on the deck outside for better lighting.  I stand over what I am photographing and no matter how I move the camera, the paintings just never look straight.  I had my husband try with his fancy camera and the same thing happens.  I’m guessing I need to hang the paintings on something to get a good picture but there is not enough natural light in my house to do so.   Such a dilemma.  Any suggestions other than cropping?